Weight Loss

Weight loss can be done through two ways one is by maintaining good healthy diet and other by starting working out.

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We at howtolooseweight will motivate you; encourage you and help you to lose weight at the right pace and in right manner without going eating fat burning pills. With our guidance and expertise in health industry we will help you in living a healthy lifestyle.
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Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Some tips for weight loss

For most of the people weight loss is a difficult task because they do not apply their mind. You have to be smart when you want weight loss there can be many short cuts and tips which will help you in weight loss.
Use better dressing for salads
Eating salads can aid weight loss but your dressing can undo the good work. A mixture of honey, olive oil and low-salt soy sauce is the best combination according to research from the University of Illinois. The antioxidant-rich honey is a healthy alternative to the refined sweeteners in shop-bought dressings. Plus it stops the omega-3-rich oils from oxidizing so they remain 100% effective for weight loss. Combine 1 part honey, 1 part soy and 2 parts olive oil.

Massage is necessary
A Research Activity found that massaging your body for 15-20 minutes a day helps it lose significant amounts of fat. The action increases a process known as local metabolism and makes the fat biologically available for burning. You might get some odd looks if you try it in the changing rooms, so do it in the privacy of your own home.
Choose the right protein shake
Pick the right shake to up your calorie burn for hours to come. Opt for whey protein after a workout as it provides a bigger calorie-burning boost and hits your muscles faster than other protein sources, according to a Swiss study. For an anytime drink stick to casein as it’s digested slower, delaying hunger pangs.
Use Vinegar in your foodThe stuff you usually douse your chips with reduces the accumulation of body fat and weight gain by 10%, according to research in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. It’s rich in acetic acid, which slims your waist by churning out the proteins involved in breaking down fats. Soak veggies in a diluted teaspoon before steaming, marinade meat in it before grilling, or make a dressing to pour over your meals.

Avoid low-fat snacks eat healthy food
You’ll take on 28% more calories if you eat low-fat snacks instead of the everyday variety, according to a study in the Journal of Marketing Research. People tend to think these healthy diet versions are much lower in fat than they actually are. Low-fat foods usually contain around 11% less fat than their regular counterparts, but dieters believe they contain anywhere up to 40% less.
Go low GI at breakfast
You’ll burn an extra 5% of fat during training if you start your day with a low GI breakfast, according to research. Try reduced-sugar baked beans on rye toast to sweat off more of your paunch and reduce the chances of you raiding the vending machine before lunchtime. It is all so good for your healthy lifestyle.

 How to Loose Weight provides Healthy diet, Healthy Lifestyle , Weight Loss. Our Services Lose Weight Naturally, Diet Plan, Lose weight, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss.

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